Tait Nucleus?

Electric Six Live: Absolute Pleasure

Electric Six are my favorite “local” band – one of my absolute top favorite bands period –  and I’ve seen them live a fair number of times.  I’ve dragged a fair number of others along to experience them as well – but for those who still have yet to experience the thrill of Electric Six live, you can get tantalizingly close courtesy of their new live album, Absolute Pleasure!

There are so many little things that make the live shows special, and Absolute Pleasure captures many of them; my spiritual twin Tait Nucleus? (you can tell us apart by the fact that he as a CS1x, and I have a CS2X – oh, and that he actually does useful things with his!)’s little Smiths reference during Future Is in the Future for example, or Dick Valentine’s bizarre injection of Monifah lyrics into Danger! High Voltage! and WJLB Read More…

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