Pokemon GO Radar Pebble Watchapp PoC
Here’s a dangerously early preview of the Pokemon GO Radar Pebble Watchapp I’ve been working on with @mathew and an all-star cast on the #pokemon
channel on pebbledev.slack.com!
To reiterate, this is an extremely early preview, and lacks basic courtesies such as ensuring the back end is up or that Bluetooth or network connectivity exist. What it does do is show you what Pokemon are nearest to you, updated every fifteen seconds. Hopefully. If the all the required servers are up, and everything’s talking to everything properly… (。_゜)
This is just a poorly-coded sliver of planned functionality – to find out more, or share feedback, join us on #pokemon
channel on pebbledev.slack.com, or hit me up on Twitter or in the Comments below…(^_-)
Update: Subscribe to the Pokemon GO Radar mailing list for development updates, beta testing opportunities, and more…