PW-DOS 1.10: #ReadyForPebble2

PW-DOS Command Line Watchface Version 1.5

Wow! Bit of a nostalgic one, this! Although the lack of updates here might not belay it, Pebble development has become one of my greatest passions over the last year and a half. Before Pokemon GO Radar blew up in ways I never could have imagined, before the Ottawa PTR hackathon win, before the Boulder smartstrap hackathon win, before the smartstrap obsession or the PW-DOS smartstrap…there was the lowly PW-DOS Command Line Watchfacemy first publication to the Pebble appstore. It was thus my pleasure to update it for the new Diorite platform and give it pride of place on my wrist, and hopefully on the wrists of other Pebble 2 users! 八( ^□^*)

Coming Soon: the all-new, fully configurable PW-DOS 2.0 with heart rate, battery level, and…I don’t know…HIMEM.SYS or something? (≧o≦)

5 Responses to PW-DOS 1.10: #ReadyForPebble2
  1. Norman Reply

    Great WF!

    Love it on my Pebble Classic.

    You should see the look on some people’s faces; priceless!

    Just one small change please: Could you make the: 44 bytes free, notification showing the actual battery level?
    Where 44 would be the percentage battery left.


    Kind regards, Norman

  2. Matt Reply

    I agree with Norman. Make the bytes free the battery level please.

    • ishotjr Reply

      OK guys, I’ll get this added for you! :)

  3. Tyler Reply

    Im a little late to the game with Pebble, but I love this WF! I’m not sure how much updating/developing you’re doing on this now that Pebble sold, was just curious if you would be adding additional data to it? Thanks!

    • ishotjr Reply

      Absolutely – what would you like to see!? :)

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