PW-DOS 1.2 Release Notes

PW-DOS Command Line Watchface Version 1.2With a dozen hearts and over 5 dozen installs in under 24 hours, PW-DOS Command Line Watchface for Pebble is taking off in ways I’d never imagined! Version 1.2 brings a new “animated” DIR, simulating an unseen user typing the command in the closing seconds of each minute, followed by the “old” file listing scrolling up and being replaced with the new. □_ヾ(・_・ )

Technically there’s a subtle inaccuracy in the present functionality – if you notice it, let me know in the comments below!  ̄~ ̄

2 Responses to PW-DOS 1.2 Release Notes
  1. gegtik Reply

    Love this watchface.. would be even better if the “number of bytes” listed the battery percentage remaining!

    • ishotjr Reply

      Thanks! :D Right now “bytes” is the number of days into the year, and “bytes free” is the number of weeks. I am planning to add battery percentage, as well as some other configurable options, plus a watchapp version that allows you to select and “run” commands… :)

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