With a dozen hearts and over 5 dozen installs in under 24 hours, PW-DOS Command Line Watchface for Pebble is taking off in ways I’d never imagined! Version 1.2 brings a new “animated”
, simulating an unseen user typing the command in the closing seconds of each minute, followed by the “old” file listing scrolling up and being replaced with the new. □_ヾ(・_・ )
Technically there’s a subtle inaccuracy in the present functionality – if you notice it, let me know in the comments below!  ̄~ ̄
2 Responses to PW-DOS 1.2 Release Notes
gegtik 2015/03/31
Love this watchface.. would be even better if the “number of bytes” listed the battery percentage remaining!
ishotjr 2015/03/31
Right now “bytes” is the number of days into the year, and “bytes free” is the number of weeks. I am planning to add battery percentage, as well as some other configurable options, plus a watchapp version that allows you to select and “run” commands…