For some reason I feel compelled to keep a log of my Twitter Profile Pictures and explain their relevance. This is that log. (o_O)
Tom – this was my first profile pic, and its relevance should be fairly obvious – if not, here’s a refresher.
??? – this was my next choice – I’m going to withhold explanation for the time being, since if anyone can tell me who this without explanation, they deserve some sort of prize or something!
Starman – my brother and I spent many happy hours with the masked space traveler from the 1987 NES game Pro Wresting, Starman. He was always my favorite character, and his lucha libre-style mask echoes the anonymity of my own semi-concealed Ish Ot Jr. identity. Plus the colors kind of match the palette!
The Gender Bender – the character comes from an episode of Futurama, but more specifically this incarnation is from Steve Matchett‘s Chalk Talk - and I thought it would make a fun tribute to our shared excitement about the new season of Futurama.
The Black Brad Pitt – I had asked @mumdance about what sounded like an unreleased @XDannyXBrownX track in Different Circles – Level Two – he was keeping mum (*´ο`*), but I asked again when Level Four dropped – and Evil Nine saw my #ImTheBlackBradPitt hashtag and replied with a picture – and eventually explained that the track was them featuring Danny Brown, to be released in August. Mystery solved thanks to #ImTheBlackBradPitt and the power of Twitter! □_ヾ(・_・ )
3 Responses to Twitter Profile Pictures
Andrew 2014/01/31
This mystery has been haunting me from the day I met you. I thought perhaps you were living some alternate life as a global movie-star DJ party-animal. Now I know and it’s much less interesting
ishotjr 2014/01/31
I’m not sure that this revelation predicates your conclusion!