It may not quite be summer yet, but I’m going to go out on a limb and add Moonbootica – My Hot Dope to my 2012 Summer Bangers list right now! d^_^b
Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover for iPad – First Impressions
My Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover arrived out of the blue today – I’d placed an order on when I first learned about the device, but it wasn’t in stock (seemingly anywhere) and my initial excitement about it had receded with so many other new shiny things coming out recently. It arrived Read More…
Quick $250 PC Build
Looking to replace an EeeBox PC with something a bit more capable, I recently pulled the trigger on Newegg Combo 864885 (and used ShopRunner to get it here in two days – free!). For not much more than I paid for the diminutive supplanted machine a few years ago, this combo offers a Rosewill R363-M-BK MicroATX Case (with power supply), BIOSTAR A55MH Motherboard, AMD A4-3400 Llano 2.7GHz APU, G.SKILL 4GB DDR3 SDRAM, and Seagate Barracuda 500GB 7200 RPM SATA Hard Drive. I added a second 4GB stick, technically pushing the total over the $250 goal, but well worth it IMO. The build was absurdly fast – I stuck the kettle on, then unpacked everything and reviewed the instructions. The entire thing was together in the time it took to brew a cup of tea and allow it to cool to a comfortable drinking temperature! I was a little leery of the Rosewill case when making my original purchase, but it turned out to be a very attractive, high-gloss case with an amusingly large glowing power button. The BIOSTAR mobo impressed as well, with an extensive feature set and clear documentation that quickly quashed any reservations I had about selecting it over the ASUS in the other bundle I’d been considering. Very pleased with this combo so far, as well as the build experience! □_ヘ(^_^ヘ)
evitaN – Who Is This
Time to break curfew with the latest joint from @TheRealEvitan (@DresBlacksheep and @jarobione) – smooth beats for these balmy nights! #luvlee #realhiphop d^_^b
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
(image courtesy of Brick of the Day)
Pebble Digital Watches are a Pretty Neat Idea
Perhaps I’m just amazingly primitive, but the Pebble E-Paper Watch for iPhone and Android on Kickstarter may be compelling enough to rekindle my childhood obsession; this was a time when things like temperature and altitude were not so easily obtained as they are now via apps and widgets, and I couldn’t help but bore anyone who’d listen with continual updates of these exciting (to me) measurements (even when up to 50 meters underwater!)! I can’t recall the last time I donned a timepiece on my arm, but the concept of a fourth screen to supplement my third – not to mention one with its own SDK – may prove irresistible!  ̄~ ̄
[Update 2012.05.09: It did – I’m now a backer!]
The Spotify iPad app is finally here, and it’s beautiful! Can’t wait to try AirPlay! d^_^b